Wednesday, June 8, 2011

T Minus Seven Days

Months ago when I was thinking ahead to the four weeks that I would have between exams ending and SAS beginning, it seemed like I'd have too much free time to handle. As it turns out, it flew by pretty damn fast. That's not necessarily a bad thing- it just means I've been busy. Getting out on the water a bit, fishing, reliving high school soccer days by watching my school's Regional Tournament run, and I was even fortunate enough to see some friends who I haven't seen nearly enough since college started. Despite being a bum for the past month, at least I've been active.

On the travel side of things, I've been pretty good at preparing/shopping for things in small spurts over the course of the month, but had yet to really pack anything until today (What, did you think I could avoid procrastination completely?). With pretty much everything packed except for clothes, now I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. The organization emailed everybody today, telling us to "mentally prep ourselves for the journey", or something like that. I've been away from home for a long time before- a three week roadtrip from Montana down to Nevada back in 2004 and several shorter instances since then- but 68 days takes the cake. The obvious difference is being "alone" (if one ignores the 700 other students and 300 other crew/faculty) vs with family. Having been through college for three years, though, this isn't really that big of a deal to me. For someone fresh out of high school, I can see it as being a bit more daunting. I'm not sure what kind of prepping I should be doing, so I guess I'll just keep doing the same ol things I've been doing since wrapping up the semester, and continuing to not freak out about the trip.

For the record, I am VERY excited... just not stressed

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